Jun 20, 2013 11:04:26 GMT -6
Post by Amber on Jun 20, 2013 11:04:26 GMT -6
Out of Character && One account per person.
&& No fighting, flaming, arguing, or hate. The Island of New Hope aims to be a fun, friendly community. If you have issues with another member, please PM an admin about it; do not take these matters into your own hands.
&& Respect everyone, members, staff, and guests alike.
&& No double posting. There is an edit button for a reason.
&& Do not advertise in the chatbox or the boards. There is an Advertising Board for a reason, please use that.
&& Keep swearing and cursing to a minimum. A word here and there is forgivable, but we don't want every other word to be a swear word.
&& No chatspeak.
&& As per ProBoards Terms of Service, this site is PG-13. Nothing overly graphic is to be posted or spoken about, anywhere in the boards.
Rules subject to change at any time, without warning.
Jun 20, 2013 11:19:46 GMT -6
Post by Amber on Jun 20, 2013 11:19:46 GMT -6
Characters && A member may have up to eight [8] characters.
&& All Clan cats must have two part names, a prefix and a suffix. These cannot be things know only to Twolegs, things in nature and colors are preferred. See the Taken Names and Name Ideas lists for assistance. Rogues and loners can be named almost anything, though they should still avoid Twoleg names. Kittypets can be named anything.
&& All characters must be accepted before they can be played.
&& No special powers, odd colors or markings, no wings or extra appendages, et cetera. Though we are based off a work of fiction, our cats are still realistic in appearance, and we would like to keep it that way.
Rules subject to change at any time, without warning.
Jun 20, 2013 11:52:42 GMT -6
Post by Amber on Jun 20, 2013 11:52:42 GMT -6
In Character && Proper spelling and grammar are a must. No chatspeak or intentional misspellings.
&& No power-playing or god-modding. You cannot control or kill off another member's character without their permission, and your character cannot know things In Character that they have not seen or heard In Character. A character cannot read minds to know what everyone else is thinking.
&& Five sentences per in character post, please. If you are struggling, just think of the five senses, sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. Give other members something to reply to.
&& Liquid time is acceptable, just do not go overboard. Fifteen threads with the same character is a bit excessive.
&& Cross-Clan relationships are fine, just remember that there may be In Character consequences. Any kits from a cross-Clan relationship will have to be bought from the Site Shop.
&& As per ProBoards Terms of Service, this site is PG-13. Nothing overly graphic. When mating, please fade to black, and do not describe every gory detail of fighting or birthing.
&& When making out of character comments, please separate them at the beginning or end of your post, with a note letting everyone know it is Out of Character.
&& No purely Out of Character posts in the In Character boards. Keep Out of Character notes to a minimum.
&& No swearing in In Character posts. Clan cats do not know Twoleg swear words, though Clan substitutes such as 'mouse brain' and 'fox dung' are acceptable.
Rules subject to change at any time, without warning.
Jun 20, 2013 11:58:05 GMT -6
Post by Amber on Jun 20, 2013 11:58:05 GMT -6
Images && Images must not stretch the boards. Nothing wider than 450px.
&& Signatures may be no wider than 450px, and no higher than 300px.
&& Avatars may be no wider than 150px, and no higher than 150px.
&& Minimize the use of copyrighted images, and do not claim images as your own if they do not belong to you. If you use a copyrighted image, please attempt to give credit to the original owner when you can.
Rules subject to change at any time, without warning.